Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2015

Marx, Lenin and Stalin on Zionism: Conclusion & References

CONCLUSION: 1) The Marxist-Leninists have always stood against both anti-Semitism and Zionism. To be anti-Zionist is not equivalent to being an anti-Semite or anti-Jewish. It is the Zionists – both in the past and in their current manifestations as the supporters of Israel in its present imperialist puppet state from – that confuse progressives by insisting that they are the same. 2) Revisionists used the tactic of confusing anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism The distortion of anti-Zionism into anti-Semitism formed part of the revisionist underground campaign to subvert the USSR from socialism. It reached a peak under the so called “Doctor’s Plot.” That more will be learnt about all of the episodes discussed in this report, is certain. Until further data becomes clear to Marxists-Leninists however, the role of Stalin in supporting the establishment of a partitioned Palestine for a Zionist Israel – is extremely unlikely. This was a policy foisted upon the USSR by the revisionists led by Gromyko, Ponomorev and Manuilsky. LISTING OF THE FULL REFERENCES Journals Alliance Marxist-Leninist (Available from address cited page 3 of this report or contact via ; Compass (Available from: Science cited re Sudoplatov’s allegations; Several Soviet journals have been cited; but were not read by Alliance; & so these are also cited by the authors used by Alliance to compile the information in this report; World Wide Web Sites Used In This Report: 1) For several citations on the positions of Jews in Europe especially pre-revolutionary Russia: See “Beyond The Pale”; found at the site: ; 2) For citations from Lenni Brenner’s book: See: Web site of International Secretariat of the War & Holocaust Tales Ancient Amateurs’ Association; (WHOTAAAN) in 1996; E-Mail: ; the book itself is referenced also below; 3) For some citations on cold war and world war II policy of West to USSR; see “A Decade of American Foreign Policy : Basic Documents, 1941-49″; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Washington, DC: 1950. Found on the WWW: World War II Page WW II Conferences Page; Avalon Home Page: William C. Fray & Lisa A. Spar. 4) For some citations upon the USSR efforts for a bomb; Cold War International History Project; Web Site: “Research Notes: the Russian Nuclear Declassification Project: Setting Up the A-bomb Effort, 1946″; by G. A. Goncharov, N. I. Komov, A. S. Stepanov; 5) For various documents from the USSR archives; here we cite: From A Document On The Web: The Jewish Anti-fascist Committee Jewish in the USSR 21 June 1946: To Comrade M. A. Suslov, Director Section for Foreign Policy Central >Committee of the Communist Party; Site is at: 6) For the quotations from Marx on The Jewish Question – analysed in detail in the Appendix; See: Books: Axell, Albert: “Stalin’s War Through the Eyes of His Commanders”; New York; 1997; Arch Getty J & Roberta T. Manning Eds: “Stalinist Terror, New Perspectives.” Cambridge, 1993. Bland W.B.: “The Doctors Case & The Death Of Stalin”; Stalin Society; London nd ca 1992; Bland W.B.; “Restoration of Capitalism In the USSR”; London; 1981; also at home pages of Alliance. Bland W.B. for ML Research Bureau; Report No.2; London; nd circa 1992; Brenner, Lenni: Zionism in the Age of Dictators; 1983, Kent; Chaney, Preston: “Zhukov”; 1976; Norman Oklahoma= Dallin D.J. “Soviet Foreign Policy After Stalin”; Philadelphia 1961 Degras J (Ed); “The Communist International 1919-1943; Documents” Vol 1; London; 1971; Deriabin Peter: “Watchdogs of Terror: Russian bodyguards from the Tsars to the Commissars”; USA; 1984; Etinger Iakov; “The Doctors’ Plot: Stalin’s Solution to the Jewish Question”; in Editor: Yaacov Ro’i: “Jews & Jewish Life in Russia & the Soviet Union”; London; 1995; Elon Amos; “Rothschild”; London; Gromyko A. “Memoirs”; New York; 1989; Gromyko A.A. & Ponomorev B.N. Edited: “Soviet Foreign Policy; 1945-1980″; Volume II; Moscow; 1980; Grey I: “Stalin: Man of History”; London; 1979; Holloway, David: “Stalin and the Bomb”; New Haven, 1994; Knight, Amy: “Beria-Stalin’s First Lieutenant”; Princeton New Jersey 1993; Khruschev N.S.: Secret Speech to 20th party Congress; CPSU, In: “The anti-Stalin Campaign and International Communism: A Selection of Documents”; New York; 1956; Laquer Walter; “A History of Zionism”; New York; 1976; Levytsky B: “The Uses Of Terror: The Soviet State Security: 1917-1970″; London; 1971; Leon Abraham; “The Jewish Question-A Marxist Interpretation”; New York; 1970; Lenin V.I;: “The Position of Bund In The Party”; 1903; Works; vol 7; Moscow 1986; Lenin “Critical Remarks National Question” In “Lenin On USA”; p. 87; or From Vols 20; Works; Lenin; “Right Of Nations to Self Determination”; Sel Wks; Vol 1; Moscow; 1977; or Works vol 20; Lenin V.I: “Does the Jewish proletariat need an independent political party”; Iskra 1903; Works; Mos; 1985; Vol 6 Marx; Letter to Ruge A; March 13th 1843; Marx., “British Rule in India”: the collection: “Marx & Engels On Britain.” Moscow; 1971; Marx: “On the Jewish Question” – >Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher=- Vol 3 Marx and Engels Collected Works; Marx; “The Holy Family”; The Jewish Question. Volume 4; CW; Moscow; 1975; Marx K; “Capital” Volume 1; Chapter 1; Section 4; Padover Saul K.; “Introduction” In Volume 5, “On Religion”; The Karl Marx Library; New York; 1974 Pinkus Benjamin: “The Jews of the Soviet Union”; Cambridge; 1988; Ro’i, Yaacov (ed) “Jews & Jewish Life in Russia & The Soviet Union”; London 1995; Rapoport Y: “‘The Doctor’s Plot’, Stalin’s Last Crime”: London; 1991; Resis Albert: “Stalin, the Politburo & the Onset of the Cold War. 1945-1946″, no.701, CB Papers; Pittsburgh 1988; Reale Eugenio: “The Founding of the Cominform,” In M. M.Drachkovitch and Branko Lazitch (Eds): “The Comintern: Historical Highlights: Essays Recollection &Documents”; Stanford (USA); 1966; Redlich, Shimon: “Propaganda and Nationalism in Wartime Russia-The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR, 1941-1948″; 1982; USA; Sudoplatov Pavel &; with JL &LP Schecter: “Special Tasks”; Boston; 1995; Stalin J.: “Works” Moscow; 1956; Vol 2; “Marxism and the National Question”; Strizhov Iurii: “The Soviet Position on the Establishment of the State of Israel”; London; 1995; Tawney R.H. “Religion & The Rise of Capitalism”; London; 1975; Teller, Judd T: “The Kremlin, The Jews and the Middle East”; p.106.New York; 1957; Vaksberg Arkady; “Stalin Against the Jews”; New York; 1994; Wilson E.M.: “Decision On Palestine – How the US Came to Recognise Israel”; Stanford; 1979; Weinberg Robert; “Stalin’s Forgotten Zion – Birobidzhan & the Making of A Soviet Jewish Homeland, An Illustrated History 1928-1996.” Berkeley 1998; Wolin S & Slusser R: “The Soviet Secret Police”; London; 1957; Zubok, Vladislav & Pleshakov, Constantine “Inside the Kremlin’s Cold War – From Stalin to Khrushchev”; Cambridge Mass; 1996.

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