Dienstag, 30. September 2014

Ferguson, USA: Day 52—And Still the Killer Cop Walks Free

It took Darren Wilson 30 seconds to pump 6 shots into Michael Brown. It should not take any longer than that to indict him. Yet still the process drags out. This is “letting the system work.” Which really means letting them wear you down, tire you out, slander Mike Brown over and over again, and put bullshit stories into the air to confuse people. There are more than enough witnesses to indict this pig. All they’re really saying is that they don’t count because they’re Black. If the process had been reversed—if Michael Brown had somehow been able to shoot Darren Wilson 6 times, Michael Brown would never have survived. And if somehow he had survived, he’d be in jail with no bail. So if “this is how the system works,” then it works one way for the pigs and another for the people. And don’t tell us that “there’s a different standard for police.” Yes, we know that all too well—the standard is that they can commit these crimes with impunity, without being punished. In the new society, after the revolution, the people’s security forces would sooner risk their own lives than kill somebody from the masses. THAT should be the standard. If this is how the system works, and it is, then that’s one more reason why we need a revolution to get rid of this system! Because a system that works to enable the police to go on killing Black and Latino people with impunity, along with all its other great crimes, must be gotten rid of.

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